Friday, June 14, 2013

Gary is Sleeping in Mexican Hat

After riding through the night, Gary is feeling very tired again and the Crew has checked into a motel in Mexican Hat for an extend sleep break.

Gary has done an fantastic job so far, but the Crew is asking for you to send your positive comments to him via this webpage.  Let Gary know that we are following and cheering for him!


  1. I admire your strength and courage! You are doing great! Keep up the good work!!! Lisa in Oregon!

  2. What a feat! I'm in awe of your ability to stay focused on this goal. Keep pedaling, you'll have a lifetime to say 'remember when I rode across the West'!

    Kevin's friend, Julie in Seattle

  3. One pedal step at a time, just focus on the moment and you can do it! What an accomplishment!

  4. First, here will be plenty of time to sleep when you are done! rest and roll.
    Don't let the demons take your mind over Gary!
    You'll love it when you're done and have bragging rights!
    Cindi Staiger

  5. Tell Gary it's the finest 135 miles he will ever ride. He will have the memories forever. Just stay on the bike!

    -Hugh Murphy-

  6. ‎"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Eliot

  7. There are many of us on the sidelines cheering you on in your final push to the finish. We are with you! Live in this moment and grab hold of what you have worked so hard for.

    Bro-in-law of Crew Chief Kevin- Dave

  8. Gary,

    I've been following you the entire ride and am very impressed!! Just keep the pedals turning, even if you have to slow it up a little. It hurts, but I know you're "sniffing the barn" at this point. Its only a double metric until an unforgettable memory is made.

    -- Larry Hildenbrand --

  9. Gary can you smell the barn. Victory is within reach. So many people are cheering you forward. Get it done Gary. Whoohoo!

    Isabelle Drake

  10. Kevin Van Dyke let Gary know that he is amazing, awesome and inspiring! He should know how we mere mortals admire what he is doing and can do. We are with him until the finish! Go Gary Go!

    Steven Tiede

  11. Keep on pedaling!~

    Carol Doerfler

  12. Hey Gary, it's John. I've been following you whole ride. YOU CAN finish this. Think about ALL the training you did with Andrew, the rides with me and Dale. YOU CAN finish this ride. It's time to block out the pain, ignore that damn Garmin and JUST RIDE
